Latest News

Let’s make this the best semester yet!31 March 2023

The energy in our Centre is buzzing as 46 new students settle into their study routines.

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Bass Coast Health partners with Country Universities Centre to train medical workforce28 March 2023

More people are pursuing fulfilling careers at BCH thanks to CUC Bass Coast.

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Are you or your child planning on studying at uni next year?23 March 2023

Uni, right here in the Bass Coast!

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Embracing curiosity while undertaking an opportunity of a lifetime14 September 2022

I will depart Australia on the 27th of October commencing my fellowship study tour.

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Bass Coast Ambition Program – Shaping the Future of our Community13 September 2022

A career is a lifelong journey that starts much earlier than most people realise.

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Writing essays and cooking pancakes: An indulgent, but hopefully useful metaphor23 August 2022

Let’s approach writing an essay in the same way we would approach cooking pancakes.

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Aspirations are about connecting the future with what is happening now08 August 2022

CUC Bass Coast is fostering collaboration between industry, schools &universities.

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The future is bright; resilience pays off for aspiring teacher20 June 2022

CUC BC student rewarded for resilience and academic dedication.

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Tips for Exam Success26 May 2022

Exam tips to minimise stress and maximum success.

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Country Universities Centre Welcomes Funding to Encourage More People from the Regions to go to University12 May 2022

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