‘Dream Big, Speak Up, Aspire Higher’: 2023 Annual Primary Schools Public Speaking Competition

17 Oct 2023

At CUC Bass Coast, we firmly believe that it’s never too early to inspire young minds and nurture their potential. This year, we’ve partnered with the Rotary Club of Wonthaggi to organise and deliver the 23rd Annual Primary Schools Public Speaking Competition. This collaboration is part of our widening participation initiatives, aimed at increasing regional participation at the university. We’re committed to empowering the youth in our community and instilling in them the confidence and passion for lifelong learning and personal growth.

Our primary goal in this partnership is to inspire the next generation. We recognise that supporting young minds and nurturing their public speaking skills will not only empower them with confidence but also ignite a passion for lifelong learning. By giving them the opportunity to express themselves, we hope to encourage them to aim high and dream big.

The big night!

Thursday, October 12th, was a big night for eight talented students representing schools from across the Bass Coast. They arrived at the Wonthaggi Union Community Arts Centre; a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they prepared to deliver the speeches they have been refining in class.

Their speeches covered three thought-provoking topics: ‘What is Peace and Why is it Important,’ ‘Plans to Save the Planet,’ and ‘My Dream Career in Bass Coast.’ These topics were carefully selected to encourage students to think critically and creatively, fostering their ability to express their ideas and opinions.

And they did just that! Each student brought their own unique voice and vision to these topics, inspiring the audience to leave the Arts Centre energised to make a change and contribute to a better tomorrow. It was a difficult task for the judging panel, led by CUC Bass Coast’s Student Services and Outreach Officer, Rebecca, to decide which students would walk away with a shield commemorating a podium finish.

Euan (Wonthaggi Primary School) received an impressive third place for a captivating plan on how to save the planet; proving that communication is not just about what is said, but how it is said. Miranda (Cowes Primary School) took second place for a speech which demonstrated the purposeful confidence that comes with presenting a well-crafted piece to an audience you can connect with. Both Miranda and our first place winner thoughtfully considered the concept of ‘peace’, showing reflective skills and the drive to create change. Georgia (Inverloch Primary School) won the first place position for conveying a memorable and dynamic speech that was a testament to the power of personal preparation and of language.

As a token of their achievements, all the students received a medal and a custom t-shirt to commemorate this event. We hope this serves as a reminder of the incredible talent they were able to showcase to the Bass Coast community. Well done!

Thank You, Rotary Club of Wonthaggi

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Rotary Club of Wonthaggi for providing us with this invaluable opportunity to be part of such a meaningful event. Thanks to their collaboration, we will have the privilege of conducting follow-up sessions with the participating schools. These sessions will aim to further nurture the learnings and aspirations of young people, ensuring that the impact of this event extends beyond just one evening.

The Annual Primary Schools Public Speaking Competition is not just a competition; it is an opportunity to empower, inspire, and guide the young minds of our community. At CUC Bass Coast, we are proud to be part of this endeavour, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the future leaders of Bass Coast. Together, we can continue to support and nurture the aspirations of the next generation, encouraging them to reach for the stars and make a meaningful difference in the world.

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