17 Students. 17 Stories.

20 Dec 2023

At CUC Bass Coast we have a diverse cohort of students making university life work for them in different ways. It is a privilege for us at CUCBC to be a part of these students’ journeys, and now we get to share their inspiring stories with the community. Below you will find some excerpts from our local students, and you can find their full stories right here on our website.


Taking the leap

Students study for different reasons; with ‘pursuit of passion’ being foremost among them. So many of our students are studying in order to enter the field of their dreams, or to develop their existing careers. It is also heartening to see how students are using the opportunities afforded from higher education to help make a difference in the local community.

“I had always loved the idea of nursing, and always put nurses on a pedestal. As a mum of three, I thought that I could do anything, so I tried it.” – Kirby


“I have a passion for helping people, especially kids, so this is my main motivation to succeeding in my studies so I can enter the career of my dreams.” – Jay


“I’ve always wanted to be a nurse. I love helping and caring for people, it brings me joy.” – Lucy


“My dad had an OT when he was in a brain injury rehab clinic and it inspired me.” – Laura


“I have seen firsthand the severe shortage of clinicians in most every discipline that we experience regionally, so I knew I wanted to study something in healthcare to contribute to helping people.” – Lauren



CUC’s role in the learning journey

The Country University Centre (Bass Coast) is pleased to be able to follow students in their academic endeavours and provide the services they need to be successful in higher education. Whether that be access to a quiet study space and high-speed Wi-Fi, or connectedness with other students going through similar experiences and challenges. We are pleased to be able to offer a service that caters to many different people with different needs and lifestyles.

“I would not have been able to complete my thesis without the centre, the ability to step away from my desk in my bedroom and find somewhere dedicated to purely studying helped the most.” – Taj


“Since enrolling at CUC, I often spend evenings after work to have some quiet and dedicated study time.” – Josh


“The academic community that CUC Bass Coast provides meant more to me than the fantastic physical space.” – Matt


“Studying at CUC feels like a university where I can interact and connect with other students.” – Nick


Advice for others who are currently studying, or considering higher education.

Within the CUC community there is a wealth of experience and knowledge about what it means to be a student and how you can find success. In our ‘Student Stories’ many have shared their best study tips or words of wisdom. Whether you are currently studying, or considering pursuing a higher education, these insights might be just the thing you need.

“You can achieve anything if you have passion and a positive mindset.” – Kate


“Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, give everything YOUR best, laugh at yourself, and try to have fun while you’re doing it.” – Emma


“My message to others wishing to return to study is to take the plunge and follow their dreams. Everyone deserves to be successful and happy.” – Trish


“Always take the time for yourself, make sure you are set with everything you need and take breaks regularly.” – Julie



Proudest moments!

Finally, sharing these stories enables us to celebrate the incredible achievements of our students. Tackling higher education does come with challenges, but it is encouraging to hear how students are meeting their goals and finding success.

“I found out 4 weeks after having my baby that my first research paper has now been accepted into an academic journal with minor revisions. I only started designing and writing this article after joining CUC at the start of the year; a total 360 considering how much I had struggled to build momentum when studying from home on my own.” – Mary-Clare


“Asking for help and then being able to pass.” – Alison


“I am 46, have 3 kids, work part time and have managed to go back to studying! It’s a juggle but something I am proud of.” – Robyn


“Being a part of a supportive network of students where we are able to build each other up.” – Paige


Follow this link to browse the full collection of stories from current students and alumni.

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